Govt Sector Data refers to all information made freely available by government bodies or local collectivities. This data is in the public domain. It is different to open data, which is a subset of public data. Open data is structured and well-maintained data that is therefore easier to understand, access and consume. By contrast public data can be difficult to find, or (in the case of public bodies), require the submission of a Freedom of Information Act to retrieve it.
It should not be confused with:
Public data refers to information that is publicly available to all. It can be produced by both public institutions or the private sector.
Legislation makes it mandatory for some sectors, such as government bodies, to publicly share their data to enable transparency and good governance.
Publicly available data encompasses a wide range of highly varied information:
At the level of data dissemination methods, organizations have a number of choices. They can proactively publish information on websites, open data portals, apps, or via physical means (posters, letters) or they can reactively respond to requests for information.
Publishing public data in open data formats and through compelling visualizations (such as maps, graphs, or dashboards) provides additional advantages for transparent communication, enhancing the attractiveness of information, as it allows users to easily interact with data.