Professionals Data is a leading provider of data-driven marketing solutions. Founded six years ago, we have been on a journey to help businesses increase sales and expand their customer base by providing them with accurate and up-to-date data.
Our team of experts has extensive experience in data management, marketing, and sales, and we are committed to providing the best possible service to our customers.
The market demand for data specialists is growing in proportion to the growth in data volumes. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA) ranks these specialists as one of the 20 fastest-growing specialities. The Final Report on the European Data Market Monitoring Tool 2020 predicted that the number of data specialists in the EU, from 2019 to 2025, may increase by 41%.
The situation in the labour market reflects the data professional skills gap. This metric shows the difference between supply and demand for data skills. Between 2019 and 2025, the unmet demand for data skills in the European Union is forecast to increase from 399,000 to 484,000 jobs. The structure of demand for data specialists is also changing due to the rapid emergence of new methods and technologies for working with data. These methods and technologies affect not only the corporate sector but also the population. An IDC report stated that by 2025, 6 billion users, or 75% of the world’s population, will interact with online data every day.
It is, therefore, important to understand the areas of responsibility, core competencies and skills of the various data specialists; the following sections discuss these areas in detail.